TILOS-HDSI Distinguished Colloquium with Adam Kalai
11am PST | Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Title and abstract coming soon…
Adam Tauman Kalai is a Member of Technical Staff and Research Scientist at OpenAI working on AI Safety and Ethics. He has worked in multiple fields, including Algorithms, Fairness, Machine Learning Theory, Game Theory, and Crowdsourcing. He received his BA from Harvard and PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. He has served as an Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech and the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He is a member of the science team of Project CETI, an interdisciplinary initiative to understand the communication of sperm whales. He has co-chaired AI and crowdsourcing conferences including COLT (the Conference on Learning Theory), HCOMP (the Conference on Human Computation) and NEML. His honors include the Majulook prize, best paper awards, an NSF CAREER award, and an Alfred P. Sloan fellowship.