ALL TILOS RESEARCH PROJECTS Jump to... FOUNDATIONS CHIP DESIGN NETWORKS ROBOTICS CONVERGENT RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS Deep Learning with Symmetries Differentiable Extensions with Rounding Guarantees for Combinatorial Optimization over Permutations and Trees Dynamic Decisions Under Uncertainty Extrapolation FedCE: Federated Certainty Equivalence Control for Linear Gaussian Systems Graph Representation Learning Learning for Optimization Learning Ultrametric Trees for Optimal Transport Regression Neural Networks that Learn Algorithms Implicitly Nonconvex Optimization and Transformer Architectures Nonconvex Optimization in Deep Learning Nonlinear Feature Learning in Neural Networks Optimization for Overparametrized Models Parallelization Personalized Federated Learning via Data-centric Regularization Powerful Learning Models for Graphs and Hypergraphs Sampling for Constrained Distributions with Applications Symplectic Optimization CHIP DESIGN Artificial Netlist Generation Better Search Methods for Derivative-free Optimization Interior Search for Nonlinear SMT and Application in Verification Modern Hypergraph Partitioning Nexus of Sampling, Sequential Decision-making, L2O and Cloud Optimal Embedding Optimal Embedding: HypOp Robust Watermarking for IC Physical Design IP Production NETWORKS Collaborative Networked Estimation and Inference through Graph Neural Networks Data-driven Adaptive Network Models: Quantitative Group Testing Empirical Network Optimization via Distributed Zeroth-order Optimization Empirical Network Optimization via Non-uniform Sampling Learning to Slice Wi-Fi Networks: A State-Augmented Primal-Dual Approach LifeHD: Lifelong Intelligence Beyond the Edge Using Hyperdimensional Computing Rethinking Deep Learning Compression Using Information Theoretic Structures Sequential Learning and Decision Making in Networks ROBOTICS Cognitive Mapping for Indoor Spaces Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Control Household Navigation and Manipulation for Everyday Object Rearrangement Tasks Learning and Control of Hamiltonian System Dynamics Learning Control Barrier Functions for Multi-robot Navigation CONVERGENT RESEARCH Coming soon...