Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Amirhesam Abedsoltan

UC San Diego
PhD student

Abdullah Altawaitan

UC San Diego
PhD student

Daniel Beaglehole

UC San Diego
PhD student
Feature Learning, Deep Learning Theory, Data-dependent Kernels

Tristan Brugère

UC San Diego
PhD student
Foundations, Chip Design

Hyunsu Chae

UT Austin
PhD student
Chip Design
Ya-Chien Chang

Ya-Chien Chang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Reinforcement Learning, Robotics

Samantha Chen

UC San Diego
PhD student
Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Transport, Neural Networks

Yilan Chen

UC San Diego
PhD student
Deep learning theory, LLMs and foundation models, principled algorithms for real-world applications

Xuxin Cheng

UC San Diego
PhD student

Chiaki Hirayama

UC San Diego
PhD student
Optimization for Robotics Control

Juan Elenter

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Constrained Optimization

Mohammad Fereydounian

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Graph Neural Networks, Optimal Transport, Information Coding Theory
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Khashaiar Gatmiry

PhD student
Machine Learning Theory, Sampling, Optimization

Sharut Gupta

PhD student
Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Samar Hadou

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Distributed Optimization on Large Scales
Nicklas Hansen

Nicklas Hansen

UC San Diego
PhD student
Reinforcement Learning, Robotics, Computer Vision


UC San Diego
PhD student
Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Optimization

Jiaming Hu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Cognitive Robotics, Computer Vision

Shervin Khalafi

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Nikki Kuang

Nikki Kuang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Inference

Sayak Kundu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Chip Design

Thien Le

PhD student
Geometric Deep Learning Theory, Learning under Invariances/Equivariances, Continuous Optimization

Jane Lee

Yale University
PhD student
Machine Learning Theory, Optimization
Eric Lei

Eric Lei

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Neural Compression, Generative Models, Information Theory
Xuanlin Li

Xuanlin Li

UC San Diego
PhD student
Computer Vision, Robotics

Derek Lim

PhD student
Equivariant and Graph Neural Networks, Neural Network Parameter S and Loss Landscapes

Zhan Ling

UC San Diego
PhD student
Imitation and Reinforcement Learning, Robotics

Lanxin (Isabella) Liu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Computer Vision
Xu Liu

Xu Liu

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Perception and Planning, Robotics
Kehan Long

Kehan Long

UC San Diego
PhD student
Optimization and Control, Safe Autonomy
Zhishang Luo

Zhishang Luo

UC San Diego
PhD student
Chip Design, Topological Data Analysis

Katherine Mao

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student

Behrad Moniri

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
High-dimensional Asymptotics, Random Matrix Theory, Deep Learning and Information Theory

Yujin Nam

UC San Diego
PhD student
Privacy-preserving Computation, Homomorphic Encryption

Riley Nerem

UC San Diego
PhD student
Geometric Algorithms, Data Science
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Hesam Nikpey

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student

Bodhisatta Pramanik

UC San Diego
PhD student
Chip Design

Yiding (Cassie) Qiu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Robotics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

Nikola Raicevic

UC San Diego
PhD student
Intelligent Systems, Robotics, Control
Rachel Selina Rajarathnam

Rachel Selina Rajarathnam

UT Austin
PhD student
Physical Design Automation, Hardware Security
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Alexia Reyes

UC San Diego
PhD student
Chip Design, Networks
Hersh Sanghvi

Hersh Sanghvi

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Robotics, Planning

Yifei Simon Shao

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Nicholas Sieger

Nicholas Sieger

UC San Diego
PhD student
Spectral Graph Theory
Geelon So

Geelon So

UC San Diego
PhD student
Learning Theory
Alejandro Soumah

Alejandro Soumah

UC San Diego
Diversity and Optimization

Anusha Srikanthan

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Robotics, Learning-based Control, Multiagent Systems

Behrooz Tahmasebi

PhD student
Deep Learning Theory
Yuezhan Tao

Yuezhan Tao

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Perception and Planning, Robotics

Berkay Uslu

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student

Sumanth Varambally

UC San Diego
PhD student
Graph Neural Networks

Grigoris Velegkas

Yale University
PhD student
Trustworthy Machine Learning, Non-convex and Submodular Optimization, Online Learning

Zhiang Wang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Chip Design

Xinghan Wang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Decentralized and Federated Bayesian Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning

Yuwei Wu

University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Optimization

Dongxia (Allen) Wu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Bayesian Deep Learning

Zhili Xiong

UT Austin
PhD student
Chip Design, FPGA Placement
Jiarui Xu

Jiarui Xu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Self-supervised Learning, Computer Vision
Ruihan Yang

Ruihan Yang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Reinforcement Learning, Robotics

Morris Yau

PhD student
Algorithmic foundations of language and intelligence

Yi Tian

PhD student
Machine/Reinforcement Learning, Control Theory, Robotics, Optimization, Game Theory

Chenning Yu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Robotics, Graph Neural Networks
Hongzhan Yu

Hongzhan Yu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Optimization, Robotics

Xiaofan Yu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Embedded Systems, Edge Computing, Machine Learning, Network Optimization

Ruipeng Zhang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Robotics
Ruisi Zhang

Ruisi Zhang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Machine and Federated Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Large Language Models
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Yiming Zhang

UC San Diego
PhD student
Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Loss Functions
Quanling Zhao

Quanling Zhao

UC San Diego
Hyperdimensional Computing, Federated Learning
Heng Zhu

Heng Zhu

UC San Diego
PhD student
Federated Learning, Optimization

Soheil Zibakhsh-Shabgahi

UC San Diego
PhD student
Reinforcement Learning