Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Abdullah Altawaitan
UC San Diego
PhD student
Daniel Beaglehole
UC San Diego
PhD student
Feature Learning, Deep Learning Theory, Data-dependent Kernels
Samantha Chen
UC San Diego
PhD student
Approximation Algorithms for Optimal Transport, Neural Networks
Yilan Chen
UC San Diego
PhD student
Deep learning theory, LLMs and foundation models, principled algorithms for real-world applications
Mohammad Fereydounian
University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Graph Neural Networks, Optimal Transport, Information Coding Theory
Khashaiar Gatmiry
PhD student
Machine Learning Theory, Sampling, Optimization
Derek Lim
PhD student
Equivariant and Graph Neural Networks, Neural Network Parameter S and Loss Landscapes
Behrad Moniri
University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
High-dimensional Asymptotics, Random Matrix Theory, Deep Learning and Information Theory
Nicholas Sieger
UC San Diego
PhD student
Spectral Graph Theory
Anusha Srikanthan
University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Robotics, Learning-based Control, Multiagent Systems
Berkay Uslu
University of Pennsylvania
PhD student
Grigoris Velegkas
Yale University
PhD student
Trustworthy Machine Learning, Non-convex and Submodular Optimization, Online Learning
Xinghan Wang
UC San Diego
PhD student
Decentralized and Federated Bayesian Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning
Yi Tian
PhD student
Machine/Reinforcement Learning, Control Theory, Robotics, Optimization, Game Theory
Xiaofan Yu
UC San Diego
PhD student
Embedded Systems, Edge Computing, Machine Learning, Network Optimization
Ruisi Zhang
UC San Diego
PhD student
Machine and Federated Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Large Language Models
Yiming Zhang
UC San Diego
PhD student
Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Loss Functions
Quanling Zhao
UC San Diego
Hyperdimensional Computing, Federated Learning
Heng Zhu
UC San Diego
PhD student
Federated Learning, Optimization