TILOS Industry Day 2025

TILOS (the NSF National AI Institute for Learning-enabled Optimization at Scale) will hold its 4th Annual Industry Day on June 2, 2025, at the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego, the campus hub for data science. TILOS Industry Day features (1) talks from invited industry speakers sharing their perspectives on challenges in AI + Optimization + Use domains (chips, robotics, networking), (2) research highlights from TILOS team members, and (3) most importantly, a vibrant TILOS trainee poster session (30+ posters) together with a "Facebook" of students and postdocs (a booklet of these trainees).

Agenda and Registration

The schedule and registration link will be available soon. View the 2024 agenda here.


Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute Room 123
University of California, San Diego
3234 Matthews Lane
La Jolla, CA 92093


Angela Berti (aberti@ucsd.edu)
Yusu Wang (yusuwang@ucsd.edu)


Hopkins Parking Structure (9800 Hopkins Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093; 10 minute walk to venue).

Parking fees are payable at pay stations or pay-by-phone. Note that many visitor spots are limited to two hours. Even though the app allows you to pay for longer periods, you will get a ticket after that time if parked in a 2-hour space.