The TILOS Team

Leadership & Management

Yusu Wang

Director and PI of TILOS (2023-present).
Associate Director of Research (2021-2023).
University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team.
Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
Faculty co-lead for Foundations of Data Science CoP at Translational Data Analytics Institute at the Ohio State University (2018-2020).
NSF CAREER Award and DOE ECPI Award.
Member of the Computational Geometry Steering Committee and SIGACT CATCS Committee.
Arya Mazumdar

Arya Mazumdar

Deputy Director and Co-PI of TILOS.
Associate Director of Research.
University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team co-lead.
Associate Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
Jack K. Wolf Paper Award.
EURASIP JASP Best Paper Award.
Distinguished Dissertation Award.
Area Editor of Now Publishers Foundation and Trends Series.
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar

Associate Director of Translation and Chair of Translation Committee.
University of Pennsylvania.
Robotics team co-lead.
Nemirovsky Family Dean and Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Founder of Exyn Technologies.
Fellow of the ASME and IEEE.
Elected Member of the National Academy of Engineering, American Philosophy Society, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Engelberger Robotics Award.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Pioneer and Field Awards.
Jodi Reeves

Jodi Reeves

Associate Director of Education, Diversity, and Outreach.
Chair of Education and Workforce Development Committee.
National University.
Associate Dean of the College of Professional Studies.
Academic Program Director of Data Science in the Department of Engineering and Computing.

Angela Berti

University of California, San Diego.
Managing Director of TILOS (2023-present).
Saura Naderi

Saura Naderi

University of California, San Diego.
K-14 Outreach Director, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
Co-founder of Thinkabit Lab at Qualcomm.
Founder of the myLab program at UC San Diego.

Faculty Members

Nikolay Atanasov

Nikolay Atanasov

University of California, San Diego.
Robotics team.
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Contextual Robotics Institute member.
NSF CAREER award and NSF CRII award.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Early Academic Career Award in Robotics and Automation.
Associate Editor of IEEE RA-L, IEEE ICRA, IEEE/RSJ IROS.
Mikhail (Misha) Belkin

Mikhail Belkin

University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team.
Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
Fellow of the ACM.
Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti

Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti

University of Pennsylvania.
Networks team.
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
NSF CAREER award and NSF CRII award.
Henrik I. Christensen

Henrik I. Christensen

University of California, San Diego.
Co-PI and Robotics team co-lead.
Qualcomm Chancellor's Chair of Robot Systems and Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.
Director of Contextual Robotics Institute.
Fellow of IEEE and AAAS.
Fan Chung Graham

Fan Chung Graham

University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team.
Paul Erdos Professor in Combinatorics.
Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Fellow of AMS and SIAM.
Euler Medal.
Sicun Gao

Sicun Gao

University of California, San Diego.
Chips team.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.
NSF Career Award.
Air Force Young Investigator Award.
Kurt Godel Research Fellowship Prize Silver Medal.
Hamed Hassani

Hamed Hassani

University of Pennsylvania.
Foundations team.
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
AFOSR Young Investigator Award.
Intel Rising Star Award.
Thomas Cover Dissertation Award from the IEEE Information Theory Society.
Jack Wolf Student Paper Award.
Tara Javidi

Tara Javidi

University of California, San Diego.
Co-PI and Networks team co-lead.
Jacobs Family Scholar and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Founding co-director for the Center for Machine Intelligence, Computing, and Security.
Fellow of IEEE.
Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute Faculty Fellow.
Shatha Jawad

Shatha Jawad

Dr. Shatha Jawad has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and over three years as a software engineer. Her Ph.D. is in computer engineering.
2024 Full-Time Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award, School of Technology and Engineering, National University.
2023 Full-Time Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, School of Technology and Engineering, National University.
2002 UNESCO Fellowship in Information and Communication Technologies.
Stefanie Jegelka

Stefanie Jegelka

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Foundations team.
Co-chair of Institute Culture, Ethics, and Early Career Committee.
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
DARPA Young Faculty Award.
Sloan Research Fellowship.
Sectional Speaker at ICM and Program Chair of ICML 2022.
Action Editor for JMLR.
Andrew Kahng

Andrew B. Kahng

University of California, San Diego.
Director of TILOS (2021-2023).
Chips team co-lead (2021-2024).
Distinguished Professor of CSE and ECE.
Endowed Chair in High Performance Computing.
Fellow of ACM and IEEE.
2019 Ho-Am Prize Laureate in Engineering.
Amin Karbasi

Amin Karbasi

Yale University.
Foundations team.
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics, and Data Science.
ONR Young Investigator Award.
DARPA Young Faculty Award.
AFOSR Young Investigator Award.
MICCAI Young Scientist Award.
NAE Grainger Award.
Farinaz Koushanfar

Farinaz Koushanfar

University of California, San Diego.
Chips team co-lead and Networks team.
Henry Booker Scholar and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Founding co-director for the Center for Machine Intelligence, Computing, and Security.
Fellow of IEEE and NAS-Kavli Frontiers.
Melvin Leok

Melvin Leok

University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team.
Professor of Mathematics. Co-Director of the Computational Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Graduate Program.
Department of Defense Newton Award for Transformative Ideas.
NAS-Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow.
SciCADE New Talent Award.
SIAM Student Paper Prize.
Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis.
Yian Ma

Yian Ma

University of California, San Diego.
Foundations team.
Assistant Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute and Computer Science and Engineering.
David Pan

David Pan

University of Texas at Austin.
Chips team co-lead.
Professor and Silicon Laboratories Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering.
Director of the UT Design Automation Lab.
SRC Technical Excellence Award.
21 Best Paper Awards from TCAD, DAC, ICCAD, ASP-DAC, DATE, ISPD, HOST, IBM Research, SRC, etc.
Fellow of ACM, IEEE, and SPIE.
Alejandro Ribeiro

Alejandro Ribeiro

University of Pennsylvania.
Networks team co-lead.
Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering.
Paper awards at ICASSP 2020, EUSIPCO 2019, CDC 2017, and ACC 2013.
2017 Lindback and 2012 S. Reid Warren, Jr. teaching awards.
Fulbright Scholar class of 2003.
Penn Fellow class of 2015.
Tajana Rosing

Tajana Rosing

University of California, San Diego.
Chips team and Networks team.
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.
Fratamico Endowed Chair.
Fellow of IEEE.
Daniel Spielman

Daniel Spielman

Yale University.
Foundations team.
Sterling Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Statistics, Data Science, and Mathematics.
Founding co-director of the Yale Institute for Network Science.
Fellow of the ACM.
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences.
Suvrit Sra

Suvrit Sra

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Foundations team co-lead.
Edgerton Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Institute of Data Systems and Society, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Statistics and Data Science Center, MIT Machine Learning group, and OPTML group core faculty.
SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize.
ICML, ECML, and SDM best papers.
Senior Area Chair, NeurIPS, ICML, and COLT.
Associate Editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Hao Su

Hao Su

University of California, San Diego.
Robotics team.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.
Founding faculty of the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute.
Irene Tsapara

Irene Tsapara

National University.
Education team.
Professor and Academic Director of National University's Data Science doctoral program.
CJ Taylor

Camillo J. (CJ) Taylor

University of Pennsylvania.
Robotics team.
Raymond S. Markowitz President's Distinguished Professor in the Computer and Information Science Department.
Member of the GRASP Laboratory.
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Nisheeth Vishnoi

Nisheeth Vishnoi

Yale University.
Co-PI and co-chair of Institute Culture, Ethics, and Early Career Committee.
Foundations team.
A. Bartlett Giamatti Professor of Computer Science.
Co-founder of the Computation and Society Initiative at Yale.
Fellow of ACM.
Xiaolong Wang

Xiaolong Wang

University of California, San Diego.
Robotics team.
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and affiliated faculty of Computer Science and Engineering.
Member of the Contextual Robotics Institute, Center for Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Group.

Faculty Affiliates

Chung-Kuan Cheng

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC San Diego.

David Danks

Professor of Data Science and Philosophy and affiliate faculty in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego.
Advisory Board Member of the National AI Advisory Committee (NAIAC), the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), the Partnership to Advance Responsible Technology (PART), the Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI), the Topos Institute, and the Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law.
Andrew Carnegie Fellowship recipient.
James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar award.
Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy

Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy

Dmitriy's research focuses on designing and analyzing algorithms for large-scale optimization problems arising in data scientific domains.
Particular topics of interest include nonconvex optimization in deep learning, stochastic optimization under distributional shifts, and dynamic decisions under uncertainty.
Daniel Hsu

Daniel Hsu

Associate Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University.
Daniel works on algorithmic statistics and machine learning/AI, with the goals of designing efficient algorithms for learning and data analysis, and understanding the limits of efficient computation for these tasks.
Yu-Xiang Wang

Yu-Xiang Wang

Associate Professor of Data Science and affiliate faculty in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego.
Research interests include statistical theory and methodology, (nonconvex, online) optimization, differential privacy, reinforcement learning, and (theory of) deep learning.

Lily Weng

Lily Weng is an Assistant Professor UC San Diego, working on Trustworthy AI with the goals of ensuring the next-generation AI system is robust, reliable, explainable, trustworthy and safe.
Her research interests include deep learning, optimization, reinforcement learning, with particular interest in (automated) interpretability, (adversarial) robustness, and uncertainty quantifications.
Rose Yu

Rose Yu

Rose Yu is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego.
Her research interests lie primarily in deep learning, especially for large-scale spatiotemporal data.
She is broadly interested in high-dimensional optimization, uncertainty quantification and decision making in spatiotemporal environments.