Foundations team member Fan Chung Graham receives 2024 Revelle Medal
UC San Diego Today || The Revelle Medal is a prestigious award recognizing sustained, distinguished and extraordinary service to campus.
UC San Diego Today || The Revelle Medal is a prestigious award recognizing sustained, distinguished and extraordinary service to campus.
AsiaTechDaily || An interview with TILOS Robotics team member Hao Su, cofounder and chief technology officer of Hillbot AI and associate professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego.
Within its new Responsible Innovation initiative, researchers at Penn Engineering discovered that certain features of AI-governed robots carry security vulnerabilities and weaknesses that were previously unidentified and unknown.
UC San Diego Today || The Foundations and Realization of Open, Accessible Design (OpenROAD) project, lead by TILOS Chips team member and distinguished professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Andrew B. Kahng, democratizes silicon innovation for both students and chip designers.
UC San Diego Today || From better algorithms for self-driving vehicles, to better solutions for robotics surgery, and better ways for robots to manipulate objects, researchers at UC San Diego are presenting their work at the IROS 2024 conference October 14 to 18 in Abu Dhabi.
The Robot Report || Dr. Henrik Christensen, main editor of the U.S. robotics roadmap, discusses the intersection of technology and federal policy, emphasizing the need for more attention and funding for the sector. He discusses the challenges of reshoring manufacturing, the implications of the current presidential campaigns on robotics, and the importance of tariffs and immigration […]
New Scientist || Andrew Kahng [of UC San Diego] ran a public benchmarking effort that tried to replicate Google’s AI method [of chip design] and found it did not consistently outperform a human expert or conventional computer algorithms.
UC San Diego Today || Researchers discuss the link between artificial intelligence and robotics at the San Diego Robotics Forum.
Yale Daily News || This commitment is in response to the recommendations of the Report of the Yale Task Force on Artificial Intelligence, a set of recommendations for coordinated action and University-wide artificial intelligence investments developed by a team of faculty members who already use AI in their departments. [University Provost Scott] Strobel wrote that […]
The U.S. National Science Foundation is excited to announce a new round of ExpandAI awards dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion within the artificial intelligence research community. “NSF Expanding AI Capacity in San Diego: A Strategic Collaboration between San Diego State University and TILOS AI Institute” aims to expand the AI research, education and infrastructure […]